· Inspiration:
· Party Idea but set up to look like a murder
o Main Idea:
Using what we have learnt from “Love Field” we would take the plot twist idea and use that within our own film. A murder is a party not a birth in our plan however.
Here we can see the twist before and after:
o Positive
§ Easy to make a “trashed” setting to suggest a struggle.
§ Not make settings needed, filming is easier.
§ We have worked with thriller conventions so it would be easier for us to revert to working with them again.
§ Easy to find a usable location.
§ Will allow us to use a variety of shot types for good reason. E.g. Close Ups and long shots which will be good for showing our framing skills.
o Negative
§ Have to film it all at once otherwise there will be continuity errors.
§ Lots of preparation.
§ Hard to establish it was a party rather than a murder at the end (the twist).
§ It will be difficult to show what we need to show without giving too much away.
§ Could be hard to get smooth dolly shots on the ground outside.
ok, but again, lots more detail required.